Module Gammu.Call

Call entries manipulation.

type status =
| Incoming

(** Somebody calls to us. *)

| Outgoing

(** We call somewhere. *)

| Started

(** Call started. *)

| Ended

(** End of call from unknown side. *)

| RemoteEnded of int

(** End of call from remote side. Parameter is status code. *)

| LocalEnded

(** End of call from our side. *)

| Established

(** Call established. Waiting for answer or dropping. *)

| Held

(** Call held. *)

| Resumed

(** Call resumed. *)

| Switched

(** We switch to call. *)

Status of call.

type call = {
status : status;

(** Call status. *)

call_id : int option;

(** Call ID, None when not available. *)

number : string;

(** Remote phone number. *)


Call information.