Connection to bluetooth and USB devices, Lwt version.
Connection to bluetooth and USB devices.
module USB : sig ... end
Connection to USB devices. See Mindstorm.NXT.USB
and Mindstorm
.NXT.USB_lwt for more information.
val send : 'a t -> Stdlib.Bytes.t -> unit Lwt.t
send conn s
send "package" s
on the connection c
. s
is supposed to come prefixed with 2 bytes indicating its length (since this is necessary for bluetooth) — they will be stripped for USB.
val recv : 'a t -> int -> Stdlib.Bytes.t Lwt.t
recv conn n
reads a "package" of length n
and return it. For bluetooth, the prefix of 2 bytes indicating the length are also read but not returned (and not counted in n
). recv
checks the status byte using check_status_fn
and possibly raise an exception (it is the task of check_status_fn
to do that), regardless of the value of check_status
(this is to allow to override check_status
val really_input : 'a t -> Stdlib.Bytes.t -> int -> int -> unit Lwt.t
really_input conn buf ofs len
reads len
characters from conn
and puts them in buf
starting at position ofs
. It does NOT read the bluetooth prefix bytes, so should not be used for packages but only for additional data.
val close : 'a t -> unit Lwt.t
Close the connection.
val want_check_status_by_default : 'a t -> bool
Says whether ~check_status:true
was passed to the connection function.
val lock : 'a t -> unit Lwt.t
With Lwt, connections come with a Lwt mutex that may be used to ensure that a sequence of send + recv is atomic.
val unlock : 'a t -> unit